March 25, 2008

Typography Tuesdays

Oh you know what time it is! Time for another heartwarming typography discussion. Lol.
I have my class tonight, so that means last night was homework-cram time.
I was working on my logotype assignment for today. We had to invent a "company" and services (which isn't difficult for me since I have a real, still as of yet unbranded, online shop). Then we had to pick a color scheme and design the logotype for business cards, stationery, envelopes, etc. Six different versions were due today.
It's been over a year now that I've been trying to do this logotype thing for myself for real with no success. Of course, up until this year, I also had ZERO graphic design training. So, I thought maybe tackling the whole "identity" thing would be easier since I've been in school. Now that it's an assignment and I have to do it, it'll just come rolling out, right? Wrong. The only thing that was easier for me was deciding which fonts stink. Other than that? Same level of difficulty. How do I sum myself up when I'm not even sure what I want to say about myself?
Right now, the things I have for sale are children's illustrations, funny bumble bee ornaments, and stuffed animals. But I don't want to pigeon-hole myself into some goofy logo, because I plan on eventually expanding into more "grownup" artwork as well as (we all hope) graphic design. My favorite logo is probably the most boring one in the pack. I have 7 logos, but I sort of feel like not one of them are that don't ask me to post them! I'm worried it's going to look like I didn't do a ton of work on this, when in fact, I've been wrestling this beast for too long. What a mess. My best hope is for a productive critique tonight to get me back on the right path. I guess we'll see what my teacher and class have to say. Sigh. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

I am sure your logos are fine. Remember, you are you worst critic!! I think making children illustrations is great! Keep plugging away!!!

Nicole Huot said...

presious memories - thank you for that positive boost! It's true, I am most critical of my own work. But I do hope that at least one of my logos is usable. That's my goal for tonight!

Rosebud Collection said...

I have to tell you this, I think your hedgehog is adorable..Every time I see him, he just makes me smile.
I am sure you won't have to worry about the logos.

Nicole Huot said...

Aw - thank you rosebud! You should've seen my husband holding and talking to our hedgie the other night. He unrolled out of his ball and then his little face popped out - looking right at my hubby. I almost died of cuteness!

I hope you guys are right. I'm pretty nervous about this logo stuff!