September 19, 2008


I'm heading out of state for the weekend to see friends who I haven't seen in ages. I'm hoping that when I come back, I'll find that a bunch of people are really interested in exchanging mail art and have subsequently e-mailed me with their addresses. (Please? Pretty please? It's fun, I promise!)
I'm aiming for at least a dozen people on this list to start off with. I'm almost halfway there! Help me out by participating!!!

In other news, Etsy was on CNN today. Woohoo! Click on the link below th read:


Kim Caro said...

maybe one day i can trade...just no money to even send it.

Unknown said...

Have fun on your trip!

Tia Colleen said...

Where is that picture from? I love it. Love love love it. Have fun on your trip!

melissa said...

Hope you have a great weekend!

Nicole Huot said...

Thanks everyone!

christopher and tia - I found that pic on Photobucket. Shhh, don't tell! Lol.