April 22, 2008

Cruel Intentions

I haven't blogged in a couple days because I was off on an extended weekend. It involved a 6 hour car trip (approx. 12 hours round trip) to attend my grandmother's memorial mass. She passed away last spring shortly before my wedding. I saw a lot of family I hadn't seen in ages. It was exhausting, but nice.

I returned home on Monday to find a brand new comment on a pretty old post awaiting my approval. I denied the comment. I figured it was only fair to tell you guys why, and to establish a few rules for etiquette in my Comments section.

First, my statement of purpose: let me say that I started this blog as a way to talk about being an artist and everything that entails (the good, the bad, and the ugly). I wanted to explore all kinds of art forms, including crafting. I wanted it to be a means of supporting and connecting with other artists and craftspeople. Being surrounded by a great community of creative people is invaluable. Whether it's online or in a group you meet up with once a month (shout-out to SCBWI! I miss you guys and promise to be back at meetings in June). I think it's important. As artists, we support, inspire, and sometimes even commiserate with each other.

I LOVE hearing from my readers. Nothing makes me happier than to get lots of feedback and commentary on one of my posts. Even if you have a differing opinion from me, I'll be glad to put your comments up here. Being open minded and hearing different views is what it's all about. You can't expect to expand your horizons without taking a look at other options and ways of seeing the world.

That said, in some cases I do draw the line. If you intend to post a negative comment on my blog about anyone (that includes myself as well as the artists and sellers I feature) you'd better stick to the following rules:

a) have some solid facts to back up any accusations. Go ahead and include those facts within the text of your commentary.

b) attach your name (or at least your Blogger name) to aforementioned commentary so people can reply.

If you wouldn't say it to someone's face, then don't post it. If you're not willing to take credit for your comment, don't post it. It's that simple. There are real people behind these keyboards with real feelings and reputations to protect. There will be no hit-and-run smearing on this blog. Nasty comments with "anonymous" attached WILL NOT GET POSTED. If it won't fly on the Etsy forums, it's not going to fly in here, honey.

I don't expect this blog to always be sunshine, rainbows, and cupcakes (though the cupcakes would be nice!) But I do expect some common decency and respect for others. I don't think those boundaries are too difficult to follow.

*gets off soapbox and goes to bed*


Jennifer said...

Well said!

Nicole Huot said...

Thanks! Even though the comment wasn't about me, I will protect my fellow artists and sellers. It's only right.

Erin said...

Thank you for writing this. I too, have dealt with this except on a personal level. It's sad that someone thinks they are being clever by posting things anonymously. It's very BIG of them, right?

Nicole Huot said...

Erin - you're welcome. I'm sorry to hear you had to deal with that on a personal level.
I figure if someone is too cowardly to slap a name on a comment they made, they probably shouldn't be saying it in the first place. This blog is my territory, and I'll set the rules here. Rule #1 - decency and respect for your fellow artists! I'm an adult, and I expect other adults to behave like one.

Cathy said...

Absolutely well said. Sneaking in anonymous comments is cheap and nasty. Lucky we all have comment moderation on our blogs...LOL

Nicole Huot said...

Cathy - exactly! I love my comment moderation feature. This is the first time I've ever had to deny someone's commentary.

Hyla said...

This a great reminder to be polite!

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Rock on !

Nicole Huot said...

Thanks everyone. I think it's good to be reminded of etiquette every now and again. It's easy to get caught up in the anonymity the internet can provide, and to think anything goes.
Maybe on some sites it does...but not on this blog!

XUE said...

I understand what you mean. It's kind of like going over to someone's home & picking a fight there, isn't it? I've started to get general 1-word comments, with links back to thier shops & blogs. Do you think this could be some sort of advertising plan?

Nicole Huot said...

xue - absolutely! I definitely think that those "comments" you've been getting are promos. I'd probably not post those either. Not unless they were relevent to whatever I'd been talking about. It's too bad - I love getting blog comments. But they lose their value when people abuse them.