April 11, 2008

The Cure for Insomnia

Eureka! I've found it! May I present to you the first drug-free cure for insomnia:

It's my copy of Typographic Design: Form and Communication.
Oh. My. God. I thought I'd reached the pinnacle of all dry, boring textbooks when I took an Architectural Theory class in my undergrad. I have to say that this book is in a close race for second in the category of Most Boring Reading Material EVER.

I have a lot of reading to finish up by next week for class. I thought I could plow through it last night. I made myself a ginormous cup of coffee, propped myself up on pillows, and sat on my bed to do some reading at 8 o'clock. Every two pages, I dozed off! This was sort of aggrivating seeing as how I didn't even feel very tired...plus I was pumped up on caffeine! Unreal.

I was literally swearing at the book last night. The writing is pretentious. It's like these guys are getting paid by the word. They'll take up 4 lines text and pack it full of 10 cent words to say something that could've been said in one easily digestable sentence. It's not like the concepts are beyond me, it's not even that the vocabulary is beyond me, it's just that I find the writing obnoxious. By the time I've finished reading their phrasing, my brain has shut itself down and I've slipped into a coma.

So, if any of you are having trouble falling asleep at night, put down the Lunesta and head to your local bookstore for the cure!


maryhanks said...

My evening is about to be as dry & unexciting as that book --- working on taxes before mtg w/ our CPA in the morning. Yawn!!! I'd rather be....just about anything!!!

Rusty of RustedDesigns said...

And who designed that cover graphic? It looks like an 80's album cover!

For me, it was my Business Law textbook (abd professor) who put me to sleep... Oy.

Nicole Huot said...

Haha! It's true. Very 1980's. You think a book about graphic design would be...well...better designed.

The upside to me avoiding this book all week is that I've cleaned my house instead. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to face the music sometime.

Unknown said...

lol! You're a riot! Wake up! Eake up!

Nicole Huot said...

tammy - I made it through one chapter by propping myself up on the couch. Apparently the living room is the only room that doesn't allow me to fall face-first unconcious into this book. The only problem is I'm not sure if I'm retaining anything I'm reading. Even coffee is no match for this book! They should only sell it to you if you have a perscription. ZzzZZzzz.