June 19, 2008

21 Day Challenge: Day 1

Supposedly it takes 21 days to instill a habit. I've decided to take on the 21 Day Challenge and draw for 15 minutes each and every day for 21 days. I don't have any grand plans or even a theme. My goal right now is just to make myself draw something (anything) every single day. Last night was technically Day One since I drew right before bed. I just didn't have time to upload anything until this morning.
Since I had an elaborate dinner at Blue Ginger this week, and then my coworker brought in donuts yesterday (my weakness)--I was inspired to draw a fat happy piggy enjoying a frosted donut.
If you'd like to join me in this challenge, drop me a line. I'll post links to your blog under a "21 Day Challenge" catagory. It won't exist until I hear back from folks, and you've got to post your sketches in order for me to link to you. Come join me! Really, I could use some company. (o; Here are the results of my first day:

Not much, but it's a start!


Gina Perry said...

Absolutely adorable! Love the expression - pure pigging out bliss!!!

Callooh Callay said...

It's a good thing I saw this before breakfast (now I'll just have a bowl of corn flakes, thanks). Very cute!

Nicole Huot said...

Aw, thank you! (o:

Callooh - those donuts are still sitting outside my office this morning, but I've behaved myself...haven't had one yet! Of course, I think I ate enough yesterday to cover me for the rest of the week! Haha!

T.Allen said...

I can't commit to drawing everyday, but if you ever need someone to help you out with a donut or 3 stop by, I'll make time.

Nicole Huot said...

Excellent! I'll bring the donuts if you bring the coffee. (o:

WildMagic said...

Very cute!!!

Sue said...

I was admiring your bee ornaments a few days ago and just now stumbled across your blog! Very cute! And as a beekeeper, I can totally appreciate them!

I would love to attempt the 21 day challenge... however, it wouldn't be for drawing but making jewelry... and I'm not sure how good I'd be at supplying links to pictures of what I created each day.

So instead, as a show of support to your Challenge, I'll post a link to your blog on mine!
Keep up the fantastic work!

Iron Dog's Blog
Iron Dog's Etsy Shop