June 21, 2008

21 Day Challenge: Day 3

I aaaalmost skipped this drawing exercise last night. Almost. My husband and I ordered a pizza and watched two movies in a row. This is after I'd worked all day then hit my aerobics class. Phew! That's a late night for me! I was really tired and just wanted to go to bed. Then, I felt bad. How can you form a habit if you're already ditching out on day 3??? So, I did this quick sloppy doodle of the newest addition to my studio:

It's a giant stuffed octopus I bought from Deelind on Etsy. I've had my eye on it since I joined the site. I finally caved in and bought it when she made a note that the fabric was discontinued, and she only had a limited amount left in stock. *Gasp!* She was nice enough to send him to me this week before she goes abroad for most of the summer. I think he looks right at home in my studio, wouldn't you say?

P.S. This is my 100th blog post! Woo-hoo!


Erin said...

cute octo! (both of them :))

Katie L. said...

That's a sloppy doodle? Doesn't look like it at all! You know I love your drawings though :)

HA! Designs said...

Your drawings are fabulous! LOVE THEM!

Heather Buchanan said...

Oh I love Deelind's octopi. Such a handsome friend he shall be to your studio. You're right, it's totally octo-day today!